
Sunday, June 17, 2018


                                                  Save My Marriage Today.

The Real Marriage Killer: Loss of Love and Intimacy

  • How to recognize when your relationship is in danger. Hint: it's not when you're arguing all the time!
  • What to do if the love is gone. You'll be astounded at this advice!
  • 25 Relationship Killers. Keep these from poisoning your relationship!
  • The double 'D's. How disillusionment and disappointment can eat away at your marriage.
In this section of the course, we're going to discuss the real marriage killer. It's not conflict. It's not arguing. It's not sniping at each other all the time. It's the loss of love and intimacy. When you stop respecting your partner, you've set your marriage on the path to divorce. In this lesson, I'll show you exactly how it happens and how to prevent it.

It's in Your Hands

Let's take a moment to review what you learned in the last lesson. In Part I, we discussed how factors beyond your control can affect how likely you are to divorce, including whether or not you're from a broken family, your age at marriage, and whether or not you lived together before marriage. While these factors can make you statistically more or less likely to divorce, they're not determining factors. You personally have an enormous power to influence and control the course of your marriage. By acting the way you want to feel rather than reacting to your situation, you can stop the deterioration of your marriage in its tracks and set it on the path to healing and recovery.
Sound impossible? It's not, but it is extremely difficult. Most people are highly resistant to change. By now, you've built up patterns of negative behavior in your marriage (even if you thought you were doing nothing wrong), and it will take effort, determination, and absolute commitment to change yourself. Changing yourself is the only way to save your marriage. I'm not going to tell you how to manipulate or change your partner. I'm won't validate your need to blame your partner. That's because playing the victim will not save your marriage.
click here:  Save My Marriage Today!

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